Friday, June 26, 2009

We're in Cohasset!

Team Perry is gathering in Cohasset. Janet, Bill, Tom, and Kathy arrived yesterday (Thursday). Eileen and her family will arrive later today. Meghan lives an hour away and will be coming and going. Julia is the team Cohasset resident and host for the big race on Sunday. Julia, Janet, Bill and Tom tested the water shortly after arriving on Thursday and much to our surprise, found it warmer than expected. The short work out was encouraging! We then drove the bike course, and found it to be a tad bumpy with all the road/utility work going on; and as such, one might consider it a bit technically challenging. We'll ride it today and see first hand. The race venue is charmingly picturesque and almost a distraction for all the local beauty!

That's about it for now. Let the fun and games begin!



Zipper said...

Well, good luck y'all. I will be excited to hear about how you all do. While you are shivering in the North Atlantic I will be thinking of you as I navigate the 90 degree waters of the SMU USMS master's swim meet here in Dallas. This is my only Long Course Meet before our Zone meet on July 19-20th. After that we take off for 2 weeks through starvation creek and Bonner Pass in Yosemite--Yikes! (27th).

Good Luck & Have Fun!


janet said...

Yup!We are all finished and looking back at all the days of training amazed at how fast this adventure came & went! The swim portion was the worst w/ choppy seas and strong winds. Foggy weather rolled in just prior to race starts.
We all finished w hugs and high fives ~ the Perry team ROCKED! Tom came in 2nd place in his age group! Meghan finished 2nd in Team Perry, and Julia 3rd! Janet followed 1 min behind Julia & Bill & Eileen came in w/ very respectable times ~ still waiting for the official race results!
YHEA for us all!!! WE DID IT!!!!