Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 17 - Zip's In!

Well, sister Zip has been flushed out and is now officially on the team. Seems she had secretly registered for the race, not deciding to commit to it until recently being nudged over the edge. Having now been nudged into the open, I have edited the lead in post above to publicly include her on the team. Despite our competetive blood, none of us should be feeling pressure by "competing"/participating in this sprint triathlon. Goal number one is to finish with a smile and have fun doing it; not to mention fun and satisfaction preparing for it in the weeks ahead! Now, pressure aside, why are you wasting time reading this, and not out training?! Go team!!! --Tom

Happy St. Patricks Day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog - I am thrilled to have all of you!

Bill Burnett
Founder and Race Director
Cohasset Triathlon